What’s in a name?

minify [ˈmɪnɪˌfaɪ]

vb -fies, -fying, -fied (tr) Rare to minimize or lessen the size or importance of (something)
[from Latin minus less; for form, compare magnify]
minification  [ˌmɪnɪfɪˈkeɪʃən] n
The purpose of this blog is to chronicle our efforts  – and support the efforts of others – to minify our carbon footprints, our consumption, and our possessions, and by so doing, to magnify our happiness and quality of life.
definition courtesy of the free online dictionary

This started out as a personal project, mostly a way to keep writing now that I’ve stopped studying creative writing and started studying equally interesting, albeit less literary, things like Autism and adoption. Lately I’ve been thinking that there’s a missing piece in the sustainability dialogue. No Impact Man got a front page spread in the New York Times…as “my year without toilet paper.” RowdyKittens gets featured in the Times as well, but the article makes much ado about living in a small space, on a minimal income. What about all of the benefits of sustainable living? What about all of the ways that it enriches one’s life, promotes healthier social relationships and fuller participation in life and improves health? It’s become a research interest of mine – are the narratives of people seeking to live sustainably congruent with media depictions, and vice versa? There’s no universal answer, because everyone’s experience is going to be different, but I’m interested to see what I learn!

Want to send me an email? You can reach me at projectminify (at) gmail (dot) com

5 thoughts on “What’s in a name?

  1. Hi Caroline. I don’t want to clutter up your virtual shelves with awards but… I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.

    Details are in my post at http://wp.me/p1EiAO-cf

    Following the award guidelines, the post includes the other nominees that I feel are a must read and a little bit about their blogs. At the end of the post are the instructions for picking up your award and a graphic suitable for framing, if you have a teeny tiny frame.

    I’ve also updated my blogroll with your blog.

    Note: As an extra bonus, (just for you) there’s a picture of me in the post when I was a Catholic Altar Boy. It’s a convenient wallet sized photo ready to print and carry as a constant reminder of how life can go oh so horribly wrong.

  2. Hi there!

    I wasn’t sure how else to contact you since you don’t have a contact form or email available on your site, but I just wanted to give you some kudos! I’m a tiny living enthusiast living in Portland, Oregon currently living my dream in a tiny RV. I came across your blog doing some SEO work for my new book ‘Minify’, and yours was one of the first results for the term!

    We’re living in an exciting time, and I’m eager to connect with like-minded people thinking outside the poorly constructed box we’ve erected over the past century.

    If you have a chance, check out my book when it becomes available! http://minifybook.com


  3. Pingback: Mini-versary : 2 Years of Project Minify | Project Minify

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